Larval transport
"Larval transport is defined as the
horizontal translocation of a larva between points x1,y1
and x2,y2, where x and y are
horizontal axes, say, perpendicular and parallel to the
coastline. In larval transport, only the spatial
dimensions matter.
Although this definition ignores the vertical axis (z)
for simplicity, this dimension is critical for larval
Pineda, Hare and Sponaugle, 2007)
Larval dispersal
"Larval dispersal refers to the spread
of larvae from a spawning source to a settlement site.
This definition is consistent with the terrestrial
literature (natal dispersal in Clobert et al., 2001; Begon
et al., 2006) that describes seed dispersal as the
probability density function of the number of seeds versus
distance from the adult source (i.e., the dispersal
kernel) (Nathan and Muller-Landau, 2000; see Gerrodette,
1981, for a rare marine example)."
(See Scheltema, 1986 and
Pineda, Hare and Sponaugle, 2007)
Population connectivity
"Population connectivity has been
defined as the exchange of individuals among
geographically separated subpopulations...By this
definition, if the exchange is measured at the time of
settlement, connectivity is essentially larval dispersal
from one population to another"
(See Cowen et al., 2007, Oceanography,
Pineda, Hare and Sponaugle, 2007)
Reproductive population
The dispersal of individuals among
subpopulations that survive to reproduce (see
Pineda, Hare and Sponaugle, 2007)
"The nearshore zone includes (a) the
shallow waters where surface and bottom Ekman layers
interact, the nearshore of Mitchum and Clarke (1986), and
the inner shelf of Lentz (1995), and (b), the surfzone.
names around
the world
(Thanks to the many friends who contributed!)
Afrikaan: Brandgans; eendemossel;
Brazil and Portugal:
Craca (acorn barnacle), percebes (gooseneck barnacle)
Chile: Picoroco (I believe this
refers solely to the edible
Austromegabalanus psittacus)
Picoroco poem here).
France: Bernacle, bercnache,
anatife, ou gland de mer
Italy: Balani
Japan: Acorn barnacle:
Fujitsubo (mount bottle), pedunculate barnacle: Kamenote (turtle hand)
Mexico: Sacabocado (from a fisherman in Acapulco,
vox populi in Baja California...), percebes (Pollicipes) and
volcancitos (acorn barnacles) West coast of Baja California
Norway: Rur (specifically for acorn barnacle)
Panama: Carremojo (Fisherman from
Bahia Honda, Pacific side of Panama)
Spain: Percebe
(gooseneck barnacle), Arneirón (in Galicia, Balanus
Havstulpan, tulip of the sea
Other barnacle trivia
Famous barnacles: Nora Barnacle (James Joyce's wife)
Interesting books related to barnacles
Mariano, J. 1998. Guerreiros do Mar, 1st ed. Ed.
Grupo Forum. A photograph book about the Portuguese "percebeiros".
Trevor Noah on the Daily Show -Comedy Central

A poem by Pablo Neruda:
El picoroco encarcelado |
está en una torre terrible, |
saca una garra azul, |
palpita desesperado en el tormento. |
Es tierno adentro de su torre: |
blanco como harina de mar |
pero nadie alcanza el secreto de su frío castillo gótico. |
The picoroco imprisoned in a terrible tower,
extends a blue claw, palpitates, desperate
in the storm.
The picoroco is tender
inside its tower: white as flour of the sea
but no one can reach the secret of its
cold gothic castle.
(English translation
by M. Jacketti, D. Maloney and C. Zlotchew) |