(All photos © Jesús Pineda and WHOI. All rights
Participants: Jesús Pineda, Scott Gallager, Alberto Scotti,
Phil Alatalo, Amy Kukulya, Jim Leichter, Fabian Tapia and Claudio DiBacco

Jim and Amy deploying the 1200 kHz Workhorse ADCP

Working in a crowded lab with three Thinkpads

Ru Morrison, Jim and Jesús mounting the ADCP on the base of

Phil and the VPR

Scott Gallager's VPR

Radar screen. The three parallel clouds of green points are
the surface manifestation of a train of internal waves

A surface slick. In this case, the surface manifestation of an
internal wave

Another surface slick

A beautiful front in the atmosphere, 14 September 2001. A new
reality is setting in.