Publications and Manuscripts

Published (chronological order)
Ashford, J., Dinniman, M., Brooks, C., Andrews, A.H., Hofmann, E., Cailliet, G., Jones, C., and N. Ramanna, 2012. Does large-scale ocean circulation structure life history connectivity in Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni)? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 69, 1903–1919, doi:10.1139/f2012-111.
Stern, A.A.,  Dinniman, M.S.,  Zagorodnov, V.,  Tyler, S.W., and D.M. Holland, 2013. Intrusion of warm surface water beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118, 1-13, doi:10.1002/2013JC008842.
St-Laurent, P., Klinck, J.M., and M.S. Dinniman, 2013. On the Role of Coastal Troughs in the Circulation of Warm Circumpolar Deep Water on Antarctic Shelves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43, 51-64, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-11-0237.1.
Smith, W.O., Ainley, D.G., Arrigo, K.R., and M.S. Dinniman, 2014. The Oceanography and Ecology of the Ross Sea. Annual Review of Marine Science, 6, 469–487, doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-010213-135114.
Smith, W.O., Dinniman, M.S., Hofmann, E.E., and J.M. Klinck, 2014. The effects of changing winds and temperatures on the oceanography of the Ross Sea in the 21st century. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 1-8, doi:10.1002/2014GL059311.
6. Marsay, C.M., Sedwick, P.N., Dinniman, M.S., Barrett, P.M., Mack, S.L., and D.J. McGillicuddy. Estimating the benthic efflux of dissolved iron on the Ross Sea continental shelf, 2014. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL061684.
In Press
Mosby, A.F., and W.O. Smith. Phytoplankton growth rates in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Submitted, Aquatic Microbial Ecology (accepted; in revision; to be resubmitted by Oct. 1).
McGillicuddy, D.J., Sedwick, P.N., Dinniman, M.S.,  Arrigo, K.R.,  Bibby, T.S., Greenan, B.J.W.,  Hofmann, E.E.,  Klinck, J.M.,  Smith, W.O.,  Mack, S.L.,  Marsay, C.M., Sohst, B.M., and G.L. van Dijken. Iron supply and demand in an Antarctic shelf ecosystem. Submitted, Nature Communications.
Pinones, A., E.E. Hofmann, M.S. Dinniman, L.B. Davis Transport and fate of Euphausiids in the Ross Sea. Submitted, Polar Biology.
Smith, W.O. and R.M. Jones. Vertical mixing, critical depths, and phytoplankton growth in the Ross Sea. Accepted with minor revisions, ICES Journal of Marine Science.
In preparation
Basal ice melt, water masses, and sensitivity to winds and temperature (Dinniman et al.) –submission expected fall 2014
Characterization of the mesoscale eddy field of the Ross Sea (Klinck, Dinniman et al.) – submission expected calendar year 2014
MCDW model/data comparisons  (Dinniman/Klinck et al.; interface with Seafarers / Italians Giorgio, Giancarlo, Paola, Elio?) – model/data comparisons awaiting high resolution model run.
Tidal mixing and iron supply on Ross Bank (Greenan et al.)
10 years of P vs E in the Ross Sea (Smith/Donaldson).  Submission expected fall 2014.
Ghost colonies of Phaeocystis (Smith, McGillicuddy et al.)
Mesoscale distributions of diatoms and Phaeocystis (Smith, McGillicuddy et al.)
Seasonality of iron-limitation in phytoplankton populations in Ross Sea (Bibby et al.) Submission expected fall 2014
Molecular basis of photosynthesis of phytoplankton communities in Ross Sea (implications for remote sensing) using protein abundance, 77k, PSII rate, Rubisco rate (Bibby/Ryan-Keough, Smith) Submission expected calendar year 2014
Mapping Fe limitation in Ross Sea using in situ Fv/Fm, bioassay (Bibby/Ryan-Keough) Submission expected in 2015
Planned but not in draft form yet
Intercomparison MVP LOPC / VPR – technical paper (Greenan/McGillicuddy et al.)
Fe, Al, Mn geochemistry, perhaps including particulate Fe (Marsay/Sedwick et al.; Barrett?)  - will become a priority after the Marsay et al. GRL paper is completed.
Interannual and mesoscale variability of Phaeocystis at the ice shelf (Smith, McGillicuddy, St. Laurent et al.)
Eddy resolving simulations of the Ross Sea (Mack)
Coupled physical-biological simulations (Salmon et al.)
STEM papers
Climatological distributions of Euphausia superba and E. crystallorophias in the Ross Sea (Davis, Hofmann, Pinones, Klinck)