Details of the UCSB Spar buoy deployed during EDDIES 2005 Survey 1. The Spar buoy was deployed at the center of eddy A4 just before ending science work and heading for Bermuda. It was intended to stay deployed throughout the Tracer 1 cruise and to be recovered early in Survey 2 cruise. However, due to the threat of Tropical Storm Franklin bearing down on the area, the Tracer people pulled the array prior to leaving the area. Some instruments were stopped, or made safe by the Oceanus Science Tech, and data was downloaded at the start of Survey 2. It was determined that the ECO-FL sensor had jammed just prior to deployment. Therefore, no Chl a data was obtained at 80 meters. Calibration of instruments: SBE-39s and SBE-37 were calibrated by SeaBird. Between the EDDIES 2004 and 2005 deployments, the ECO-FLNTU units were returned to WETLabs and the sensitivity greatly increased in both the Chl a and Optical Backscatter channels. The borrowed ECO-FL unit did not have the sensitivity changed. ECO-FLNTU Chl a and Optical Backscatter sensors were compared to the Oceanus CTD fluorometer during a comparison cast (oc415-1 062) during EDDIES 2005 Survey 1. The ECO-FLNTU and ECO-FL readings of all 4 time records were matched with the new WETLabs CTD fluorometer factory calibration values for the cast. There was significant differences in the Chl offset count for all 4 ECO sensors. One of the 4 ECO Chl a factory calibration slopes agreed well with the new CTD fluorometer (calibrated also by WETLabs) but the other 3 sensor chl calibrations were off by +32%, +46%, and -44%. Without determining this matchup of sensitivities, the mooring data would have been very misleading. If the comparison of the extracted Chl a and Phaeo a descrete samples against the new CTD fluorometer readings determine that it is reading significantly different from reality, the moored data can be adjusted by using the same scaling factor being applied to the CTD data. The Optical Backscatter channel of the ECO-FLNTU was more sensitive, but still showed mostly noise and sudden shifts that were unrelated to changes in Chl fluorescence. Therefore the data are not reported in our report. Drogue Mooring details: Date GMT Latitude Longitude Launch: 14-Jul-05 1401 30 41.45 N 66 41.47 W Recovery: 23-Jul-05 1338 30 19.87 N 67 19.29 W Buoy Instruments: Depth: Sampling interval Data Recovery s/n Surface ARGOS/GPS positions every 30 min 96% 10 temp, pressure 1min 100% SBE39-376 50 temp 1min 100% SBE39-497 70 temp 1min 100% SBE39-499 80 temp 1min 100% SBE39-500 80 Chl fl 4min 0% ECO-FL 055 93 temp 1min 100% SBE39-501 93 Chl fl, turbidity 4min 100% ECO-FLNTU 085 106 temp, cond, pressure 1min 100% SBE37SM-406 106 Chl fl, turbidity 4min 100% ECO-FLNTU 086 120 temp 1min 100% SBE39-502 120 Chl fl, turbidity 4min 100% ECO-FLNTU 087 125-143 Holey Sock Drogue none