% CTD cast information file for EDDIES Transect #4 (August 2005) % Fields % 1- YMD % 2- time(GMT) % 3- CTD cast # % 4- max_depth % 5- CTD in /Lat degrees % 6 - CTD in/ Lat minutes % 7 - CTD in/ Long degrees % 8 - CTD in/ Long minutes % 9 - reference station locator, mostly Oceanus master grid (20km spacing). NOte , WBII % station number is not included to avoid further confusion. Hence, locations need to be % either WBII CTD cast number or Oceanus grid number. Where Oceanus grid station does not % exist then station will be described in terms of nearest station or some nominal eddy center(EC). % For the early part of the cruise station 2070 was deemed EC , but after W-E transect it was % obvious it had shifted. Appeared to have moved to the SW. % 10 - Comments, BCT - Bats , Carlson and Thorium sampling, P- Just a CTD profile no bottle samples. % 20050818 1949 1 700 30 10.891 68 34.593 2070 EC - BCT 20050818 2316 2 4000 30 10.859 68 34.587 2070 Deep Thorium calibration 20050819 1105 3 700 30 10.883 68 34.443 2070 Sediment Traps A deployment profile 20050819 1258 4 1200 30 5.492 68 40.880 10k south and west of 2070 -P 20050819 1440 5 1200 30 10.672 68 40.803 2069.5 midway with 2070 -BCT 20050819 1801 6 1200 30 11.101 68 46.947 2069 P 20050819 1942 7 200 30 11.118 68 43.343 2069.25 5km east of 2069 , just inside obvious surface front, F not high 20050819 2035 8 200 30 10.969 68 40.701 2069.5 midway to 2070,confirm High F 20050820 44 9 700 30 10.818 68 34.525 2070 High res. Thorium 20050820 1212 10 1200 30 10.791 69 24.573 2066 West boundary , start of main W-E transect - BCT 20050820 2037 11 1200 30 10.826 68 59.569 2068 2nd W-E transect station - BCT 20050820 2359 12 1200 30 10.769 68 47.090 2069 3rd W-E transect station - BCT 20050821 730 13 1200 30 10.762 68 34.620 2070 4th W-E transect station , no longer EC - BCT 20050821 1046 14 1200 30 10.696 68 22.100 2071 5th W-E transect station - BC 20050821 1407 15 500 30 10.793 68 22.648 2071 High Res. Thorium 20050821 1957 16 1200 30 10.589 68 9.777 2072 6th W-E transect station - BCT 20050822 20 17 1200 30 10.822 67 44.640 2074 7th W-E transect station and East boundary - BCT 20050822 1013 18 1200 29 59.954 68 34.651 2011 WSW of EC , not sure of EC location at thsi point - BC 20050822 1338 19 1200 30 0.037 68 40.763 2010.5 midway with 2011 -P 20050822 1522 20 1200 30 0.129 68 47.183 2010 Believe to be SW of EC, although deep O2 anaomaly present 20050822 1840 21 1200 30 0.093 68 47.087 2010 Sample in deep O2 anomaly 20050822 2115 22 1200 30 5.820 68 47.050 2010.69 MId way with 2069 , i.e 10k south of 2069 and first W-E transect line -P 20050822 2306 23 1200 30 5.331 68 40.861 HiF 10k N and E of 2010 - BCT 20050823 936 24 700 29 55.660 68 58.040 Production #3, deployment and relocation on Traps A , about 8km SW of 2010 -P 20050823 1352 25 1200 29 56.874 68 58.524 Profile at Sediment Traps A - BC 20050823 1711 26 500 29 58.307 68 57.826 High Res Throium profile at Traps array A 20050823 2000 27 500 29 49.222 68 59.678 1950 Trying to delineate the deep O2 anaomaly to the Sw of EC - P 20050823 2153 28 200 29 43.357 68 53.383 10k South and East of 1950 - P 20050823 2304 29 200 29 48.950 68 53.873 1950.5 midway with 1950 and 1951 -P 20050824 453 30 200 29 50.209 69 5.937 Relocate on Traps B approximately 8km West of 1950 -P 20050824 1021 31 1200 29 54.272 69 6.859 Primary production #3 deployment profile , next to Traps B -BCT 20050824 1751 32 1200 29 49.124 68 59.562 1950 BCT 20050824 2041 33 1200 29 54.756 68 59.632 1950.09 Midway with 2009 , deep parameters in O2 anamoly 20050824 2231 34 1200 30 0.017 68 59.496 2009 BCT plus deep Parameters in O2 anamoly 20050825 304 35 1200 30 3.584 69 7.457 Traps B recovery site approximately 10k WSW of 2009 -P 20050825 631 36 1200 29 49.285 69 12.262 1949 Delineates O2 anomaly to the SW -P 20050825 814 37 1200 29 54.686 69 11.801 1949.08 midway between 2008 , some evidence of O2 anomaly - BCT 20050825 1055 38 1200 30 0.290 69 11.878 2008 BCT 20050825 1608 39 1200 29 52.876 68 52.927 Sediment Trap A recovery site - BCT O2 deep anomaly evident