Ocean Surveyor Broadband/Narrowband ADCP RD Instruments (c) 1997-2002 All rights reserved. Firmware Version: 23.11 >experton ERR: Bad command parameters! >? Available Commands: @ ------------------------------ Special Commands & ------------------------------ Engineering Test Commands # ------------------------------ Expert Commands B ------------------------------ Bottom Track Commands C ------------------------------ Control Commands E ------------------------------ Environment Commands L ------------------------------ Fault Log Commands N ------------------------------ Narrow Band Mode Commands P ------------------------------ Performance Test Commands T ------------------------------ Time Commands V ------------------------------ Display Banner W ------------------------------ Water Profiling Commands ? ------------------------------ Display Main Menu >@ ERR: Bad command! >@? Available Commands: @C ------------------------------ Change System Configuration @D ------------------------------ Display Memory Block @F ------------------------------ Fill Memory @G ------------------------------ Get Command @K ------------------------------ Read Timer Tick @P ------------------------------ Put Command @R ------------------------------ Display CPU Registers @S ------------------------------ Display Stack Pointer @W ------------------------------ Write FLASH Command @Z ------------------------------ Receive and Correlate Data @? ------------------------------ Display @-Command Menu >? Available Commands: @ ------------------------------ Special Commands & ------------------------------ Engineering Test Commands # ------------------------------ Expert Commands B ------------------------------ Bottom Track Commands C ------------------------------ Control Commands E ------------------------------ Environment Commands L ------------------------------ Fault Log Commands N ------------------------------ Narrow Band Mode Commands P ------------------------------ Performance Test Commands T ------------------------------ Time Commands V ------------------------------ Display Banner W ------------------------------ Water Profiling Commands ? ------------------------------ Display Main Menu >&? Available Commands: &A ------------------------------ Transform Debugging &B 000 -------------------------- Modulator Control {enable;plane;dir} &C 1 ---------------------------- Enable Profile Compatibility Mode &D 12 --------------------------- Set Xmit Duty Cycle Limit (percent) &F ------------------------------ Flash Block Menu &L ------------------------------ Download New Firmware &M ------------------------------ Engineering Tests &N 0000 ------------------------- Select Engineering Data &V 50 --------------------------- Amb Lane Ctr {% of WV} [0=use &W] &W +000,+000,+195,-195 ---------- Amb Lane Ctr {b1;b2;b3;b4} (cm/s) &X ------------------------------ Number Conversions &? ------------------------------ Display &-Command Menu >e? Available Commands: EA +00000 ----------------------- Heading Alignment (.01 deg cw) EC 1500 ------------------------- Speed Of Sound (m/s) ED 00040 ------------------------ Xdcr Depth(+)/Keel Offset(-) (dm) EE 111110 ----------------------- Attitude Data Output and Interpolation EF +001 ------------------------- External Pitch/Roll Factor EH 00000,1 ---------------------- Heading {heading;frame} EI +00000 ----------------------- Roll Misalignment Angle (.01 deg cw) EJ +00000 ----------------------- Pitch Misalignment Angle (.01 deg cw) EP +0000,+0000,1 ---------------- Tilts {pitch;roll;frame} ER +0000 ------------------------ Roll (.01 deg cw) ES 38 --------------------------- Salinity (ppt) ET 2100 ------------------------- Water Temperature (.01 deg C) EU 0 ---------------------------- Orientation [up=1, down=0] EV +00000 ----------------------- Heading Bias (.01 deg cw) EX 00000 ------------------------ Coordinate Transformations EZ 10200010 --------------------- Sensor Source {c;d;h;p;r;s;t;u} E? ------------------------------ Display E-Command Menu >a? ERR: Bad command! >b? Available Commands: BA 030 -------------------------- Amplitude Threshold [0..255] BC 220 -------------------------- Correlation Threshold [0..255] BE 1000 ------------------------- Error Velocity Threshold (mm/s) BP 1 ---------------------------- Number of BT Pings in an ensemble BX 07500 ------------------------ Max Depth (dm) B? ------------------------------ Display B-Command Menu >c? Available Commands: CB 411 -------------------------- Serial Port Control {baud;parity;stop} CF 01110 ------------------------ Set Ctrl Flags {e;p;b;s;*} CK ------------------------------ Save Command Parameters to Flash CM 0 ---------------------------- Suppress Beam [0=none] CR ------------------------------ Restore Cmd defaults [0=user,1=factory] CS ------------------------------ Start Pinging CX 0,0 -------------------------- Set Trigger Mode {in;out} C? ------------------------------ Display C-Command Menu >d? ERR: Bad command! >e? Available Commands: EA +00000 ----------------------- Heading Alignment (.01 deg cw) EC 1500 ------------------------- Speed Of Sound (m/s) ED 00040 ------------------------ Xdcr Depth(+)/Keel Offset(-) (dm) EE 111110 ----------------------- Attitude Data Output and Interpolation EF +001 ------------------------- External Pitch/Roll Factor EH 00000,1 ---------------------- Heading {heading;frame} EI +00000 ----------------------- Roll Misalignment Angle (.01 deg cw) EJ +00000 ----------------------- Pitch Misalignment Angle (.01 deg cw) EP +0000,+0000,1 ---------------- Tilts {pitch;roll;frame} ER +0000 ------------------------ Roll (.01 deg cw) ES 38 --------------------------- Salinity (ppt) ET 2100 ------------------------- Water Temperature (.01 deg C) EU 0 ---------------------------- Orientation [up=1, down=0] EV +00000 ----------------------- Heading Bias (.01 deg cw) EX 00000 ------------------------ Coordinate Transformations EZ 10200010 --------------------- Sensor Source {c;d;h;p;r;s;t;u} E? ------------------------------ Display E-Command Menu >f? ERR: Bad command! >g? ERR: Bad command! >h? ERR: Bad command! >i? ERR: Bad command! >j? ERR: Bad command! >k? ERR: Bad command! >l? Available Commands: LC ------------------------------ Clear Fault Log LD ------------------------------ Display Fault Log LL ------------------------------ Display Fault List L? ------------------------------ Display L-Command Menu >m? ERR: Bad command! >n? Available Commands: NA 255 -------------------------- False Target Amplitude Threshold [0-255] ND 111100000 -------------------- Data Out {v;c;a;p;s;*;*;*;*} NE 1000 ------------------------- Error Velocity Threshold (mm/s) NF 0800 ------------------------- Blanking Distance (cm) NN 065 -------------------------- Number of Bins [0-128] NP 001 -------------------------- Number of Pings NS 0800 ------------------------- Bin Size (cm) N? ------------------------------ Display N-Command Menu >o? ERR: Bad command! >p? Available Commands: PA ------------------------------ Run all Built-In-Tests PC ------------------------------ Display Sensor Data [0=help] PD 0 ---------------------------- Data Stream Select PS ------------------------------ System Info [0=config,1=fldr,2=vldr,4=pings] PT ------------------------------ Diagnostic Tests [0=help] P? ------------------------------ Display P-Command Menu >q? ERR: Bad command! >r? ERR: Bad command! >s? ERR: Bad command! >t? Available Commands: TC ------------------------------ System Timer Value TE 00:00:04.00 ------------------ Time Between Ensembles TP 00:01.50 --------------------- Time Between Pings TS 04/11/09,05:32:21.27 --------- Set System Date and Time T? ------------------------------ Display T-Command Menu >q? ERR: Bad command! >r? ERR: Bad command! >s? ERR: Bad command! >u? ERR: Bad command! >v? V ------------------------------ Display Banner >w? Available Commands: WA 255 -------------------------- False Target Amplitude Threshold [0-255] WC 120 -------------------------- Correlation Threshold [0-255] WD 111110000 -------------------- Data Out {v;c;a;p;s;*;*;*;*} WE 1000 ------------------------- Error Velocity Threshold (mm/s) WF 0800 ------------------------- Blanking Distance (cm) WN 050 -------------------------- Number of Bins [0-128] WP 000 -------------------------- Number of Pings WS 1600 ------------------------- Bin Size (cm) WV 0390 ------------------------- Ambiguity Velocity (cm/s) W? ------------------------------ Display W-Command Menu >x? ERR: Bad command! >y? ERR: Bad command! >z? ERR: Bad command! >experton ERR: Bad command parameters! >ol ERR: Bad command! >? Available Commands: @ ------------------------------ Special Commands & ------------------------------ Engineering Test Commands # ------------------------------ Expert Commands B ------------------------------ Bottom Track Commands C ------------------------------ Control Commands E ------------------------------ Environment Commands L ------------------------------ Fault Log Commands N ------------------------------ Narrow Band Mode Commands P ------------------------------ Performance Test Commands T ------------------------------ Time Commands V ------------------------------ Display Banner W ------------------------------ Water Profiling Commands ? ------------------------------ Display Main Menu >WT ERR: Bad command! >