R/V Oceanus Calliope metadata file Mon 01/Aug/2005 14:15:55 Current time zone: GMT Standard Time ================================================== 12kHz depth ( Depth12) Format: xxxx.x (meters) Depth in meters obtained from the Knudsen 12 kHz channel. 4 meter transducer depth correction has been applied (see Knudsen bathymetry data string). __________________________________________________ 3.5kHz depth ( Depth35) Format: xxxx.x (meters) Depth in meters obtained from the Knudsen 3.5 kHz channel. 4 meter transducer depth correction has been applied (see Knudsen bathymetry data string). __________________________________________________ Air Temperature (Air_Temp) Format: xx.xxx (degrees C) Data is obtained from IMET_HRH primary sensor. __________________________________________________ Distance to waypoint ( DTW) Distance in nautical miles to the last waypoint entered by Bridge personnel. Value is obtained from the NMEA $GPBWR data output from the NS952 GPS receiver. __________________________________________________ Sea Surface Conductivity (SSCND) Falmouth Scientific TSG (OCM-S-212) sea surface conductivity Format: xx.xxxx (mmho/cm or milli-Siemens/centimeter) OCM sensor is mounted in the bow thruster room on the suction side of the clean sea water distribution pump. Sea water intake is from a bow inlet pipe located 12 feet below the waterline. __________________________________________________ Sea Surface Temperature (SSTMP) Falmouth Scientific TSG (OTM-S-212) sea surface conductivity (degrees C) Format: xx.xxxx (degrees C) OTM sensor is mounted in the bow thruster room on the suction side of the clean sea water distribution pump. Sea water intake is from a bow sea chest located 12 feet below the waterline. __________________________________________________ GPS course over ground (GPS_COG) Course over ground (true) obtained from NMEA GPS_VTG data sentence. Format: xxx.x (degrees) __________________________________________________ Latitude (GPS_Lat) Latitude from GPS NMEA GGA data sentence formatted for display. Format: dd mm.mmmm, N/S __________________________________________________ Longitude (GPS_Lon) Longitude from GPS NMEA GGA data sentence formatted for display. Format: ddd mm.mmmm, E/W __________________________________________________ GPS Navigation data (GPS) Complete NMEA data output from the primary GPS receiver (WGS84 datum). The single digit following the position information in the GPS_GGA data string indicates the type of GPS fix as follows: 0=No valid fix; 1=Standard; 2=Differential; 3=P-Code NMEA GPS_GGA data sentence: Header , UTC of position, Latitude, N/S, Longitude, E/W, Quality indicator, Number of satellites in use, Horizontal dilution, Altitude, M (meters), Geoidal seperation, M (meters), Age of differential data (secs), Differential reference station I.D. * checksum. (Lat & Lon values are "degrees minutes.decimal_minutes") NMEA GPS-VTG data sentence: Header, Course, T (degrees true), Course, M (magnetic), Speed, N (knots), Speed, K (km/hr) * checksum. The GPS source is currently the Northstar 952 WAAS GPS. This is the same GPS used for primary ships Navigation. __________________________________________________ GPS speed over ground (GPS_SOG) Speed over ground (knots) obtained from NMEA GPS_VTG data sentence. Format: xx.xx (knots) __________________________________________________ GPS type (GPS_TYPE) GPS position type (Std, Diff, P-Code) GPS position type indicator is obtained from the "quality indicator" included as part of the GPS NMEA GGA data sentence. __________________________________________________ Gyro heading (Gyro) Ship's heading (degrees true) obtained from the Gyro NMEA HEHDT data sentence. Format: xxx.x (degrees true) __________________________________________________ IMET Wind (IMET_WND) Format: X, Y, Total, Max, Min, LastVane, LastCompass, C1, C2 Wind X (m/sec), Positive for a stbd to port wind Wind Y (m/sec), Positive for a bow to stern wind Wind Total (m/sec), Averaged over previous minute Wind Max (m/sec, 15 sec interval), Wind Min (m/sec, 15 sec interval), Last Vane Reading (deg), Last Compass Reading (deg), Counter1 ("0"), Counter2 ("4") Note - Wind direction is not provided as a single quantity. Direction values are ship relative. The wind sensor does not have a compass installed (value should always be 0.0). __________________________________________________ IMET Barometric Pressure (IMET_BPR) Format: xxxx.xx (milli-bars) __________________________________________________ IMET Precipation (IMET_PRC) Format: Last minute (mm/min) Last hour (mm/hr) Present level (mm) __________________________________________________ IMET Shortwave Radiation (IMET_SWR) Format: xxxx.x (watts/square meter) >> The sensor is made by The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. (EPLAB) in Newport, R.I. The wavelength range for their precision pyranometer is 0.3 to 3 um. __________________________________________________ IMET Humidity & Temperature (IMET_HRH) Format: xx.xxx (%RH), xx.xxx (C) Note - Humidity and Air temperature data are both obtained from this instrument. __________________________________________________ Knudsen bathymetry ( PKEL99) Depth data obtained from the Knudsen bathymetry system. Values have been corrected for transducer depth (4 meters). Format: Header ($PKEL99), Time (hhmmss), 12 kHz depth (meters), Transducer draft, 3.5 kHz depth (meters), Transducer draft, Speed of sound (m/s), Lat (dd mm.mmm N/S), Lon (ddd mm.mmm E/W) "Speed of sound" is the value used by the Knudsen to calculate depth. It is entered manually and therefore is not necessarily correct. The time listed after the "Header" should be nearly identical to the data item's timestamp - if it isn't, it means the Knudsen control computer is not synchronized to the ship's master clock. __________________________________________________ NMEA Gyro (HEHDT) Ship's heading obtained from the Sperry Gyro. NMEA format: Header ($HEHDT), Heading (degrees), T (true), Heading (degrees), M (magnetic) * checksum. Version 2.20 (1/1/97) of the NMEA 0183 standard does not show magnetic heading in this data sentence and the validity of this item is questionable. __________________________________________________ NMEA depth ( PKDMS) Format: $PKDMS, xxxx.xx, f, xxx.xx, M, xxxx.xx, F *CS (f = Feet, M = Meters, F = Fathoms) 12 kHz Depth value from Knudsen bathymetery system in NMEA format. __________________________________________________ Position from GPS receiver (Lat_Lon) Latitude & Longitude in decimal degrees. Format: +/- dd.dddddd +/- ddd.dddddd (N & E are "+") __________________________________________________ Precipitation ( PRC) Format: x.xx (mm/hr) Data is obtained from the IMET precipitation sensor on the forward mast. __________________________________________________ Relative humidity (HRH) Format: xx.xxx (%RH) Data is obtained from IMET_HRH primary sensor. __________________________________________________ SBE21 Temp & Cond ( SBE21_TC) Temperature - degree C (-5 to +35, +/- 0.01) Conductivity - mmho/cm (0 to 70, +/- 0.01) 1 Siemens/meter = 10 mmho/cm __________________________________________________ SBE21 conductivity ( sbe21cnd) Format: dd.ddd mmho/cm (0-70, +/- 0.01) Based on ITS90 temperature calculations 1 Siemens/meter = 10 mmho/cm __________________________________________________ SBE21 temperature ( sbe21Tmp) Format: dd.ddd degrees C (-5 to +35, +/- 0.01) Based on ITS90 calibration coefficients (T68 = 1.00024 * T90) __________________________________________________ SBE21 thermosalinograph ( sbe21) Format: ttttcccc T & C raw frequency values (hex) __________________________________________________ SBE45 conductivity ( SBE45C) Surface conductivity from SBE45 Format: cc.ccccc (s/m) __________________________________________________ SBE45 salinity ( SBE45S) Surface Salinity from SBE45 Format: sss.ssss (psu) __________________________________________________ SBE45 sea temperature ( SBE45T) Sea surface temperature from SBE45 Format: ttt.tttt (degrees C, ITS-90) __________________________________________________ SBE45 sound velocity ( SBE45V) Surface sound velocity from SBE45 Format: xxxxx.xxx (m/sec) __________________________________________________ SBE45 thermosalinograph ( SBE45) Data Output Format The output data format is: ttt.tttt, cc.ccccc, sss.ssss, vvvvv.vvv where t = temperature (degrees Celsius, ITS-90) c = conductivity (S/m) s = salinity (psu) v = sound velocity (meters/second) All data is separated with a comma and a space. __________________________________________________ Salinity (Salinity) Format: Salinity (PSU) Salinity calculated from FSI sea surface temperature and conductivity data values in accordance with UNESCO 44. __________________________________________________ Sea surface fluorometer ( Fluorometer) WetLabs Wet-Star fluorometer located in the clean seawater system. A MetraByte A/D converter is used to convert the 0-5 vdc fluorometer output to serial data. This device sets the output decimal point as necessary for best resolution which results in a 1 vdc fluorometer value being represented as +01000.00 in the raw MetraByte serial stream. **WetLabs Wet-Star fluorometer Specifications Mechanical Size: Pressure housing-6.7 x 2.7 in (17.1 x 6.9 cm) Overall height (including bulkhead connector and tubing fittings)-10.2 in (25.7 cm) Weight in air: 1.7 lb (0.8 kg); in water: 0.25 lb (0.1 kg) Rated depth: 600 meters Housing: Acetal copolymer Electrical Response time: 0.17 sec (analog); 0.125 sec (digital, optional) Input: 7-15 VDC Output: 0-5 VDC (analog); 0-4095 counts (digital, optional) Current draw: < 40 mA (analog); < 80 mA (digital, optional) Linearity: = 99% R2 Optical Chlorophyll Dynamic ranges: 0.03 -75 µg/l (standard); 0.06-150 µg/l (optional) Sensitivity: = 0.03 µg/l Excitation: 460 nm Emission: 695 nm CDOM Dynamic ranges: 1000 ppb (estuarine waters) 250 ppb (near-coastal waters) 100 ppb (open ocean waters) Sensitivity: 0.100 ppb quinine sulfate dihydrate (other sensitivities available on request) Excitation: 370 nm (10 nm FWHM) Emission: 460 nm (120 nm FWHM) Uranine Dynamic range: 0-4000 µg/l uranine Sensitivity: 1 µg/l uranine Excitation: 485 nm Emission: 532 nm Rhodamine Excitation: 470 nm Emission: 590 nm Phycoerythrin Excitation: 525 nm Emission: 575 nm Specifications are subject to change without notice. __________________________________________________ Ship speed ( SPD) Ship speed in knots extracted from Sperry Speedlog data string. Format: xx.x (knots) __________________________________________________ Sound velocity ( SSV) Format: vvvv.vvvv (meters/sec) Surface sound velocity calculated from FSI sea surface temperature and conductivity data values. Intermediate salinity values are calculated in accordance with UNESCO 44. __________________________________________________ Sperry speedlog ( SPDLG) Format: ddd.d, ss.s (speed value is in knots) (ddd.d data is unknown) __________________________________________________ True wind direction (Wnd_Dir) Format: xxx.x (degrees) Wind direction obtained from the IMET wind sensor and corrected for ship heading (gyro) plus ship course and speed (GPS SOG & COG). __________________________________________________ True wind speed (Wnd_Spd) Format: xx.xx (meters/sec) Wind speed obtained from the IMET wind sensor and corrected for ship heading (gyro) plus ship course and speed (GPS SOG & COG). __________________________________________________ True wind speed & direction (TWind) Format: Speed, Direction (meters/sec, degrees) Wind direction is given in meteorological terms; a 0 degree wind comes from the north. Ship speed and direction of travel are obtaned from GPS data (GGA SOG & COG). Sensor mounting orientation is corrected using the direction the ship is pointing obtained from the gyro (the ship is not necessarily moving in the direction its pointing). __________________________________________________ Turner fluorometer data (TF10_data) Fluorometer data from Turner Designs Model 10. Full scale = 1 volt (1000.00 from MetraByte A/D module). Exact value is not in agreement with instrument's front panel meter due to the characteristics of the calibration resistor. Science party is responsible for recording comparative readings during the cruise if needed. __________________________________________________ Turner fluorometer range (TF10_Range) Fluorometer range setting from Turner Designs Model 10 (full scale = 1 volt). Actual values reported by the MetraByte A/D module (1000.00=1 volt) are not in agreement with the value indicated in the Turner manual due to the accuracy of the calibration resistor. Actual readings are per the following table (science party should check these values at some point during the cruise): Range Expected Actual X0 0.0v 000.10 X3.16 0.4v 488.60 X10 0.7v 831.00 X31.6 1.0v 9999.99 __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Defined constants: CruiseID = OC415-2 __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Auxiliary information: Timestamp formats: The Calliope data collection application always uses GMT timestamp values regardless of the time zone setting of the application computer. However, new files are started at midnight local time and any date and time information included in data file headers is local time. If date or time values are included in data files as logged values, these will also be local values. The Calliope ".dat" data file headers indicate the local time zone setting when the file was started. Individual items in Calliope ".dat" data files are time stamped with two different formats. The first timestamp value is in the format used by Microsoft Visual Basic: the number of days since December 31, 1899 (Dec. 31 is day 1, not day 0). Its primary purpose is to provide a continuously increasing date and time indicator for use in data graphing applications. The VB format facilitates this for some applications but converting the number to the normal human readable form can be painful. The second timestamp value (hh:mm:ss format) in combination with the date in the file header may eliminate the need for this conversion. If not, the following may be helpful: 00.00 is 00:00:00 on Dec. 30, 1899. 00.50 is 12:00:00 (noon) on the same day. 35390.58333 is 14:00:00 May 15, 1998.