% Samples RERUN has been made for the Nuts data points % looking suspicious on the profiles and scatter plots % % WB0409 Silicates data points for which the new value ("Rerun") % has been used instead of the old ("Old"): % Variables: % Nisken ID (BBSR), Sample # (Cast Sheets), Depth (m), OCBD Si (umol/kg) - "Rerun", Si (umol/kg) - "Old" % Nisken ID: 9&&&&##?? where &&&& is cruise number, ## - ctd cast number, ?? - nisken number 904090508 35 59.7 1.44 9.60 904090907 93 49.4 1.73 16.31 904091016 114 119.3 1.99 4.08 904091118 130 140.3 1.97 6.23 904091314 158 100.5 1.69 4.87 904091320 161 200.8 2.21 4.66 904092406 239 90.2 1.87 6.44 904092906 282 90.8 1.49 4.31