shipname = 'Thomas G. Thompson' cruiseid = 'TN368' yearbase = 2019 uhdas_dir = '/home/data/TN368' # from ## for processing ##---------------- ## ship name: shipname = 'Thomas G. Thompson' ## at-sea "" initialized date = '2018/01/18 01:41:04' ## ## This file starts as /home/adcp/config/ and ## includes the following information. Uncomment, left-justify ## and fill these in if you are attempting to generate ## from this template. The file must be named {cruiseid} ## or for this example, ## ## example values: fill in for your cruise... # # yearbase = 2011 # usually year of first data logged # uhdas_dir = '/home/data/kk1105' # path to uhdas data directory # shipname = 'Ka`imikai O Kanaloa' # for documentation # cruiseid = 'kk1105' # for titles # # #======== serial inputs ========= # choose position instrument (directory and rbin message) pos_inst = 'posmv5' pos_msg = 'gps' # choose attitude instruments (directory and rbin message) pitch_inst = 'posmv5' # pitch is recorded, but NOT used in transformation pitch_msg = 'pmv' # disable with '' (not None) roll_inst = 'posmv5' # roll is recorded, but NOT used in transformation roll_msg = 'pmv' # disable with '' (not None) hdg_inst = 'gyro1' # reliable heading, used for beam-earth transformation hdg_msg = 'hdg' ## heading correction ## all heading+msg pairs, for hbin files hdg_inst_msgs = [ ('gyro1', 'hdg'), ('posmv4', 'pmv'), ('posmv5', 'pmv'), ('comparitor', 'hdg'), ] ## instrument for heading corr to ADCP data (dir and msg) hcorr_inst = 'posmv5' # disable with '' (not None) hcorr_msg = 'pmv' # disable with '' (not None) hcorr_gap_fill = 0.0 ## fallback correction for hcorr gaps ## calculate hdg_inst - hcorr_inst, eg gyro - ashtech ## SAME SIGN CONVENTION as cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.ang ## if there is a posmv acc_heading_cutoff = 0.03 # has to be big enough to deal with both POSMV4 and POSMV5 # =========== ADCP transformations======== # historically, values were substituted into cruise_proc.m # now, in Python, they are used directly # heading alignment: nominal - (cal/watertrack) h_align = dict( os75 = 59.9, ) # transducer depth, meters ducer_depth = dict( os75 = 5, ) # velocity scalefactor # see SoundspeedFixer in pycurrents/adcp/ scalefactor = dict( os75bb = 1.0, os75nb = 1.0, ) # soundspeed # Soundspeed is usually None, and should ALWAYS be left as None for Ocean Surveyor # (it is remotely possible that soundspeed for a WH, BB, or NB might need to # bet set to a nnumber, but usually that just results in an erroneous # scale factor. soundspeed = dict( os75bb = None, os75nb = None, ) # salinity salinity = dict( os75bb = None, os75nb = None, ) #================================================================= # ========= values for ========== # ========= These are set here for at-sea procesing, ========== # ========= but are REQUIRED in control ========== # ========= file for batch mode or reprocessing. ========== ## choose whether or not to use topography for editing ## 0 = "always use amplitude to guess the bottom; ## flag data below the bottom as bad ## -1 = "never search for the bottom" ## positive integer: Only look for the bottom in deep water ## "deep water" defined as "topo database says greater than this" max_search_depth = dict( os75bb = 2000, os75nb = 2000, ) # special: weakprof_numbins weakprof_numbins = dict( os75bb = None, os75nb = None, ) # set averaging intervals enslength = dict( os75bb = 300, os75nb = 300, ) # Estimate of offset between ADCP transducer and gps # this has one value per instrument # ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS # specify integer values for 'xducer_dx' and 'xducer_dy' for each instrument, # as from cal/watertrk/guess_xducerxy xducer_dx = dict( os75 = -3, ) xducer_dy = dict( os75 = 7, ) ## if there is a bad beam, create a dictionary modeled after ## enslen (i.e. Sonar-based, not instrument based) and use the ## RDI number (1,2,3,4) to designate the beam to leave out.