Hi Scott, Nothing suspicious in /var/adm/SYSLOG. The only thing useful I could see in /var/adm/crash was something called availreport, which reads SERIALNUM|690D0A81 HOSTNAME|shoestring.whoi.edu AMRVERSION|2.1 UNAME|IRIX64 shoestring 6.4 02121744 IP27 PREVSTART|925912485|Wed May 5 09:54:45 1999 EVENT|-5|-1|unknown LASTTICK|926065798|Fri May 7 04:29:58 1999 STATUSINTERVAL|60 START|926090966|Fri May 7 11:29:26 1999 That about sums it up: event "unknown". I looked at savecore using chkconfig, and it is on. However, I did not see any core file in /var/adm/crash. The grounding wire and Craylink cables look fine. So, I'm stumped as to what happened. Whatever it was, it hasn't affected shoestring's performance. It cranked away all day making ocean forecasts. Science is cool, huh huh huh.. I saw a whale right after supper tonight; hopefully he will bring us good luck! Dennis