Update below, but first a note to the Endeavor team: Please select any or all of the following files. We will email them as soon as we get the ok from you. -ICS_X.s3r files from EL9905 bongo grid 11-14 May -ICS_X.s3r files from EN323 VPR grid 6-8 May "grid2" -ICS_X.s3r files from EN323 VPR grid 8-? May "grid3" -EL9905a4.m3d from EL9905 ADCP update (let us know what your last el9905 adcp obs time was) Note the above ICS files (approx 100Kbytes each) are now embedded in OC341 broadscale but we will incorporate AL99XX broadscale as soon as they finish sampling the sflank next week. -JiM. ----------------------------------------------------- Hello all, We just completed the case examining the sensitivity to the value of ekmin. We changed the value from 2e-3 to 2e-5 and kept all other parameters as in Case 3 (May18_FCAST2) described in this morning's message. The mean separation between 4 model and observed drifters is now 1.38km!! -- our best result in this series of expts. Here's a summary table: Case name Mean Separation ------------------ ------------------------- May17_FCAST 4.65 kms May17_FCAST2 3.80 kms May18_FCAST 3.70 kms May18_FCAST2 2.56 kms May18_FCAST3 1.38 kms The model fields displayed in the defplots page do not display features that cause concern but we will continue to dissect the solutions to make sure we haven't overlooked anything. The solution still does not hold the stratification in the top 5-10 m of the water column and we will continue to explore this. Comments from the shore-based and Endeavor team on the reduction of ekmin would be greatly appreciated. We are not quite ready to embrace the 2e-5 value as the new value for the remaining runs based on just one run. Cheers, Cisco and Jim.