Hello all, We just finished the latest FCAST with the following to report: 1) We compared model trajectories and drifter trajectories over the 3 day period 12 May (4am EDT) to 15 May (4am EDT). These are drifters released by Jim as follows: - two of them over the 50m isobath, one drogued at 13m and the other at 33m - the other two over the 65m isobath, one drogued at 8m and the other at 33m 2) The observed trajectories of the 50m isobath releases were WSW of the release points, while the observed trajectories of the 65m isobath releases were almost due south-southeast of the release points. 3) These observations held for each set of drifters, i.e., those on the 50m isobath went WSW and those released on the 65m isobath went SSE "barotropically". 4) This pattern suggest a "divergence(?!)" away from the front in the upper 35m of the water column. Certainly we can't say this for sure, but this is one interpretation. 5) The model results do not fully capture this structure. The model results are best for the 50m isobath releases - the model drifter trajectories are in the correct direction, but appear to be a little fast. Recall that on the 13th of May there was a forecast 14-hour period of northerly winds (from the north) at 20 knots that we never observed at sea and this may be a factor (in the simple Ekman sense) in pushing the drifters further west than the observed drift. 6) The model trajectories for the drifters released along the 65m isobath did not show the SSE direction observed in the real drifters. The model trajectories are in the SW direction, resulting in clear visual discrepancies when plotted. (I do not have numbers, but the observed drifters are more than one tidal ellipse south of the modeled location, i.e., the real drifters are about 15 kms south the model drifters). 6) The good news remains that the assimilation of the ADCP data strongly arrests the SW flow that otherwise would result. If the assimilation does not take place, the model drifters would overshoot the observed positions substantially. The additional SSE drift in the 65m isobath released drifters could be related to some of the structures seen in the satellite imagery of several days ago. 7) The ADCP data assimilated for the above runs are those of the Endeavor plus those of the Edwin Link through yesterday (14 May noon EDT). We still have not included drifter m3d data. 8) We will also run a case tomorrow with the new T and S (.s3r) fields that Jim computed from the bongo surveys (and OAXed into the initial T and S fields). Perhaps these will provide additional help. We will discuss these results further with the Endeavor team by radio at 1000h on 15 May (EDT). We understand there will be a zodiac-transfer of supplies for some of the bio-labs. Let us know of any additional data transfers you wish, floppies, hardcopy plots, etc. Cheers, Cisco and Jim.